How to fish for swordfish?

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Swordfish fishing mainly trolling or drifting, but jigging.

Marlin fishing Trolling: For trolling swordfish, squid can be used like mackerel or sardine bait mounted on a big line with 14/0 hook. For convenience, many anglers use lures head whistling embellished with a pork rind. These lures octopus skirt give very good results and adapt very well to different speeds behind. Example lure special train for billfish: Decoy Broadbill swordfish or Williamson Lures Big blue swordfish cavitor.

On our shores, we rarely take a swordfish by precisely looking. Indeed, of swordfish is more often the result of a search of white tuna or red tuna trolling offshore. However, swordfish, unlike tuna, also night fishing … .on can target it.

Night speed train should be lower than during the day, 4 to 6 knots. By day, you can climb to 9 knots.

Note that the relative densities of large swordfish are present in places in Mediterranee, particularly off the French Riviera or off the coast of Sardinia.

Equipped with the right fishing gear at sea, so you have a good chance to catch a swordfish, which remains the ultimate dream of every offshore fisherman …

Swordfish are present in Mediterranee from June to November, the best time being the months of August and September.

On the Atlantic coast, their presence is more rare, but the catch is reported in August and September.

Ideal hours to fish for swordfish are at night, ideally the full moon, and at daybreak.

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